Row and Columns in Jetpack Compose

Rows and columns are the basic building blocks of the Jetpack Compose UI. Rows are horizontal containers that hold one or more child elements, while columns are vertical containers that hold one or more child elements. Using rows and columns, you can arrange your UI elements in a grid-like structure.

In Jetpack Compose, rows and columns are implemented using the Row and Column functions. These functions take a list of child elements as arguments and arrange them either horizontally (in the case of a Row) or vertically (in the case of a Column).

Creating Rows in Jetpack Compose

To create a row in Jetpack Compose, you can use the Row function. The Row function takes a list of child elements as an argument and arranges them horizontally. Here's an example of how to create a simple row with two text views:

Row {
    Text("First Text View")
    Text("Second Text View")

In the above example, we've created a row with two text views. The Row function will automatically position the two text views side by side.

If you want to add padding or spacing between the elements in the row, you can use the Modifier.padding or Modifier.spacing functions, respectively. For example:

) {
    Text("First Text View")
    Text("Second Text View")

In the above example, we've added padding to the row using the Modifier.padding function. We've also added spacing between the two text views using the Spacer function, which creates an empty space with a specified width.

Creating Columns in Jetpack Compose

Creating columns in Jetpack Compose is similar to creating rows. To create a column, you can use the Column function. The Column function takes a list of child elements as an argument and arranges them vertically. Here's an example of how to create a simple column with two text views:

Column {
    Text("First Text View")
    Text("Second Text View")

In the above example, we've created a column with two text views. The Column function will automatically position the two text views on top of each other.

If you want to add padding or spacing between the elements in the column, you can use the Modifier.padding or Modifier.spacing functions, respectively. For example:

) {
    Text("First Text View")
    Text("Second Text View")

In the above example, we've added padding to the column using the Modifier. padding function. We've also added spacing between the two text views using the Spacer function, which creates an empty space with a specified height.


In this tutorial, we've explored how to use rows and columns in Jetpack Compose to create a dynamic and flexible UI. Rows and columns are the basic building blocks of the Jetpack Compose UI and can be used to arrange UI elements in a grid-like structure. With Jetpack Compose, creating beautiful and responsive UI has never been easier.

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