How to create a new Jetpack Compose

This tutorial will show how to create a new Jetpack compose project in Android Studio. Here Android Studio Dolphin | 2021.3.1 is being used for this tutorial. Please follow below mentioned steps to start with the first Jetpack Compose project.

  • Open Android Studio.
  • Click on File -> New -> New Project, But if you are opening Android Studio for the first time the Welcome to Android Studio screen will appear, There you can click on the New Project option.
  • After clicking on New Project the following popup will appear.

How to create new Jetpack Compose project in Android studio

  • Click on the Empty Compose Activity option.
  • A new popup will appear where you have to add the Name of the Project, the Package Name and location where you want to save the project, and the minimum android version.

How to create a new Jetpack Compose project in Android Studio

  • After this click on the finish button, This was the last step, let android studio do its Job and load all the required libraries and tools.
  • When Android studio finishes loading, you can click the Run button to start the app in an emulator or on an actual device. 
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