Comments in PHP

Comments are not used to perform any function in the program but are useful for developers. Developers can write comments with variables and functions to remember their working (purpose) in the program. One important thing to mention is that comments don’t have any impact on the execution of the program.

Types of Comments:

  • Single Line comments
  • Multi-Line comments

Single-Line Comments: –

These are used to add single-line comments with a variable or any function. There are two ways to write single-line comments using the // symbol or # symbol.

Example Program: –

// Single comment using // symbol  
# Single comment using # symbol   
echo "Welcome to Owlbuddy";  

Multi-Line Comments: –

These are used to add a multi-line comment with a variable or any function. /* */ symbols are used to add Multi-Line comments.

Example Program: –

These multiline
comments also 
use to hide 
echo "Welcome to Owlbuddy";  


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