In this tutorial, we will learn about Python Tkinter TopLevel. Tkinter TopLevel is used to show top-level screen and which directly managed by the window manager.
Page Contents
The main motive of showing top-level window is to show extra information on-screen, pop-up or to show a group of widgets in a different window.
Syntax to add Python Tkinter TopLevel:
w = Toplevel(options)
- options: Here is the list of most commonly used options for this widget.
Example Program of Python Tkinter TopLevel:
from tkinter import *
mainWindow= Tk()
def open():
top = Toplevel(mainWindow)
button = Button(mainWindow, text = "open", command = open),y=50)
Various possible options in Python Tkinter TopLevel:
bg | This option helps us to set the normal background colour of the window. |
bd | This option is used to set the size of the border around the widget. |
cursor | This option helps us to set the style of cursor like an arrow, dot etc |
font | This option is used to set font type in the widget. |
fg | This option is used to set the foreground colour widget. |
height | This helps us to set the height of the window. |
relief | This helps us to set the type of the window. |
width | This helps us to set the width of the window. |
Tkinter TopLevel Methods:
After learning about various available options in Python Tkinter TopLevel Its time to check out some available methods for Tkinter TopLevel widget.
deiconify() | This method is used to display the window on the screen. |
frame() | This method returns a window identifier which is system-specific. |
group(window) | This method is used to add a window in the mentioned window group. |
iconify() | This method is used to turns the window into an icon. |
protocol(name,function) | This method is used to define a method which can be called for a specific protocol. |
state() | This method returns the current state of the window. |
transient(master) | This method is used to convert this window to a transient window. |
withdraw() | This method is used to remove the window from the screen. |
maxsize(w,h) | This method is used to define the maximum size of the window(w=width, h=height). |
minsize(w,h) | This method is used to define the minimum size of the window(w=width, h=height). |
resizable(w,h) | This method is used to define whether a widow can be resized or not. |
title(string) | This method is used to set the title for the window. |