Environment setup for C Programming

In this tutorial, we will learn about Environment setup for C Programming. To run c programs we need two things in our machine first one is TextEditor and the second one is c compiler. We will write code in the TextEditor and our second software the compiler will help us to compile our written program into machine-readable form(in binary language).

Environment setup for C Programming(In windows):

  • Download a Text Editor Notepad++ or Vim or any other.
  • Download C Compiler TDM-GCC
  • Install TextEditor and Compiler

Environment setup for C Programming(In MAC):

  • Download and install Xcode on an Apple Mac from App Store
  • Install GCC/LLVM compiler on from Xcode->Preferences– > Downloads– > choose “Command line tools” > Click “Install” button:
  • To check you have successfully installed it C compiler write following command in terminal: $ gcc –version

Environment setup for C Programming(In Linux):

  • Write following command in terminal to install C compiler: sudo apt install GCC
  • Type ‘y’ when you get a message in terminal like this “Do you want to continue?” and then press Enter.
  • After successful compilation write gcc –version to check the current installed version of C compiler,

IDE for C Programming:

There are various Integrated Development Environment software available for all operating systems(windows, Linus, Mac). You can also download IDE and it will automatically download compiler. Here is List of some popular IDE software:

Please keep continue with the next tutorial. In the next tutorial, we will write our first program in C language. Click here to open the next tutorial.

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